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DIY tips for a Glowing Christmas Centrepiece

Home All DIY tips for a Glowing Christmas Centrepiece

With the tree up and the presents wrapped there’s only one more thing to worry about: Christmas Dinner! Or more to the point, how the table will look! In my home there’s barely room left on the table for fancy decoration so I always try to find something small and easy for my Christmas table centrepiece. A great solution is often right under your nose. Candles! Your home is bound to be alight with candles at this time of the year so why not utilise them to the maximum and use them to bring a warm, festive glow to your table!

Candles are so versatile when used for decoration. Have a look at these quick and easy DIY tips for creating stunning, inexpensive pieces for your table.

Cinnamon Candles

Bring the sweet scent of Christmas spice to your table with these Cinnamon Candles. These create a warm, country style feel to your table. And they’re so easy to make too! Simply place the cinnamon stick around a pillar candle and hold in place with an elastic band. Warm up in the microwave until wax is melted and sticks are securely in place. Decorate as desired, with foliage, ribbons and bells.

Tapers and Bauble Vase
For a more modern, chic look check out this simple yet elegant display. The beauty of this is that you can choose any colour candle and bauble combination to match your Christmas decor. Half fill a number of interesting vases with glass nuggets and arrange tapers as desired. Fill with baubles and wrap vase with coordinating ribbon. Arrange as desired.

One for the Kids

Santa has visited your Christmas table this year with this fun display that’s equally fun to make. Arrange a few small, decorated boxes on a cake stand around 3 various sized pillar candles. Wrap colourful paper and tags around the candles. For further fun, add small treats to the boxes that can be opened between courses.

No matter how much space you have to play with on your Christmas table, there are many DIY ideas to create decorations of all shapes, sizes and styles. Have fun in finding one that works for you and let us know how you get on!

Ideas sourced from inspirational ideas.

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