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Home Reupholstery Reupholster any brand & style Derwent Furniture Upholstery

Derwent Furniture Upholstery

Derwent has a relatively young heritage compared to the likes of Parker Knoll or Wesley Barrell, but the brand is equally as reputable and highly acclaimed for great quality. All their hardwood frames are carefully selected to ensure they come from renewable sources.

Derwent Furniture Upholstery Services

Furniture from Derwent’s Canterbury range is another regular found in our workshops, as they have been producing these styles from their foundation for over 30 years.

Our consultants are fully qualified to identify Derwent styles and our upholsterers are very familiar with the way they are built. Having this understanding enables Plumbs to offer you the best service and guaranteed craftsmanship when restoring your furniture to its former glory.

If you would like to speak to one of our expert Home Consultants about our Derwent furniture uhpolstery services , call us on 0800 019 0505, or request a free home visit today.


About Derwent

Based in Derby for over 30 years, Derwent has enjoyed an enviable reputation for designing and making stylish reupholstery. They continue to stretch the boundaries of design to ensure that the very latest fashionable trends are reflected in the product range.

Derwent’s comprehensive collection comprises of popular fabric ranges such as Westbury and Versailles, available as sofas and chairs in various sizes, and three leather ranges, including the classic ‘Canterbury’.

Plumbs provide sofa covers for Derwent furniture as well as reupholstery.