Crafted by our family. Loved by yours.
Request a free visit: 0800 298 0303

Book your free curtains home visit

Your home visit, step-by-step
  • Find your consultant
    Complete the 2 step form to find your nearest Plumbs consultant.
  • Making the best choice for your needs
    We'll call you to arrange a home visit from your local consultant at a time convenient to you (this will take up to 5 days).
  • Your free no obligation quotation
    Receive free advice from your consultant (will take less than 45 minutes).
  • Measurements of your furniture
    Your consultant will take measurements and design your new curtains, best suited to your decor.
  • Hand tailored for a made-to-measure fit
    Our Master Craftspeople use the measurements to hand craft your curtains.
  • Consultant hangs and dresses your curtains
    Arrange personal hanging of your curtains with your consultant at a time to suit you.
  • Finishing touches
    Add accessories from our beautiful collection to complement and complete your new look.

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We'll call you back to arrange an appointment with your local consultant
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