Plumbs are celebrating the royal news with the launch of Katie, a new fabric which is being released today.
‘Diana’, Plumbs last ‘Royal’ fabric, was launched by Plumbs at the engagement of Diana and Charles 29 years ago. Who would have guessed at the dramatic story that would unfold. Their marriage was an amazing journey of highs and lows.
‘Diana’ the fabric however was one long high. It turned out to be Plumbs best ever selling fabric. We were selling more Diana Chintz fabric at one point during the eighties than all our other fabrics added together. While Diana was everywhere in the newspapers, so Diana fabric was everywhere in the living rooms of Great Britain.
Now after years of ‘practising’ as Prince Charles called it yesterday, Prince William and Kate Middleton have finally announced their engagement. Plumbs are proud to launch ‘Katie’ – a contemporary, hardwearing, beautiful and totally easy-care design.
The highlight of the day was Camilla who expressed her delight with the news with the well thought out phrase ‘wicked!’
To find out more about Katie, contact Plumbs or call 0800 019 05 05