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Your local consultant in Cheshire

Made-to-measure fitted cover & reupholster services in...

Plumbs deliver a high quality reupholstery and tailor-made furniture covering service in Cheshire and country-wide. Founded entirely in the UK, our family-run company boasts a traditional and quality service across most parts of this picturesque County.

Your local consultants are

What we do

We’re pleased to offer all of our customers an extremely high standard of service, working alongside a group of gifted upholsterers and loose-cover manufacturers.

What we reupholster

Our interests include sofas, chairs, footstools, chaise longues, and much more; often for better value than the cost of a new sutie from an expensive retailer.

What else we offer

As well as the many reupholstery and loose covers we offer, we also provide a made-to-measure curtain making service so that you can complement new fabrics in your home with a full range of furnishing options.

Overall, we have a choice of more than 600 fabrics for you to choose from when using our services.

Where we cover in Cheshire

Wherever you live in the famously bustling region of Cheshire, which is brimming with both character and diversity, it’s likely we cover it! Whether you’re based close to Arley Hall and Gardens, Tatton Park or the Anderton Boat Lift we often have local consultants on hand to help.

What it means for you

A local consultant could be available to call at your home. This is an easy way to discover the diverse range of fabrics we have available and to learn more about our services with a free no-obligation consultation.

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